A Flavour with History that Stays in Memory.
We Propose Autenticity, Socialization, Enthusiasm.
In the kitchen and at the table, tuna accompanies your imagination. Just let go of the desire to discover and experience a thousand and one gastronomic combinations. We are already familiar with its properties: vitamins, omega 3, proteins, antioxidants ... tuna is a powerful and balanced food, precious for the health of the body. Bring your friends, the tuna brings his: rice, potatoes, pasta, in combination dishes, salads, sandwiches. Bring the family, that tuna is a familiar thing: easy to take to the table and beneficial for all ages. Or alone: tuna alone is a food of nutritional excellence that replaces others that are much more caloric.
A story shared among fisherman's laughs:
«As much beauty as the sea had, that tuna was looking for other waters. He swam for miles like the rest. However, he followed other directions, looking for adventure. And he realized that not everything that is good is at sea. He swam, swam, continued to swim. He went to the coast to know and make himself known. He soon found, on land, a thousand and one interests. It was love at first sight. He soon realized that his life could be more spicy. And even spicy! »